Loyalty Rewards Program
If you are loving your doTERRA oils and looking to build your collection or purchase doTERRA products regularly the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) is the cheapest way to purchase..
LRP is a monthly subscription box where you can select your own products and order value. You will receive the shipping cost on local orders back in points. You will also earn points on orders over 50PV. You can then redeem these points for products. In addition to earning points, LRP orders over 125PV will receive the Product of the Month (POM) for free if ordered prior to the 15th of the month. Scroll down to see the current POM.
Participants in the LRP on top of the 25% discount for wholesale members receive;
Shipping costs for local orders returned in product credit.
10-30% of their order (PV) back in product credit for orders over 50PV.
Free product of the month for orders over 125PV
Remember to update your LRP order each month at least 24 hours before the shipment date or you will be sent the same products as the prior month.