I ran out of laundry detergent a few weeks back so couldn't wait to get this order in the post this week! I will run you through what I have and how I use it. I you would like to read the doTERRA product info, click on the products title. Also in the photo and not listed below are a stack of class kits which also comes with x10 5ml Wild Orange (my favourite). I use the Wild Orange for myself and everyone who opens wholesale account with me will get one in a little welcome pack.
Onguard Laundry Detergent - ok so I am working through reducing the toxic load in my house. It has been a process that was initially overwhelming but once I started to just focus on one or two items to replace at a time it has become a lot easier. I still have a long way to go but am getting there. The doTERRA laundry detergent was one of my swaps. It washes really well and I have a washing machine that automatically dispenses laundry liquid which makes it super easy.
Hawaiian Sandalwood - This was a freebie this month, purchased with my LRP points. I have been saving up my points for some of the more expensive oils that I don't already have. This one keeps coming up so I grabbed it first (I have list of about 5 oils). Its also listed as a great oil for supporting sleep so I might have to add it to our sleep blend.
Juniper Berry - I use Juniper Berry in our families sleep blends. 2 drops each of Lavender, Vetiver, Cedarwod and Juniper Berry.
Douglas Fir - I love White Fir in the Diffuser with citrus oils and thought that Douglas Fir could be another winner in the smell department. I have to say, I prefer White Fir but it is still good, it smells a lot like Christmas Trees. The Modern Essentials app also has this oil listed for respiratory support which I thought would be great heading into winter (check out the Modern Essentials App or Book for more info). An interesting fact about the doTERRA Douglas Fir is that it is sourced in New Zealand where the tree is an invasive species and my harvesting the trees it is helping to reduce their environmental impact.
Grapefruit - I love citrus oils and Grapefruit is one that I use a lot. I find it so uplifting and refreshing. I have only ever used it in the diffuser but it is also listed as helping with skin blemishes...if you have tried it I would love to hear how it went!
Siberian Fir - This is my replacement for White Fir. I'm sad that White Fir is no longer available but sourcing White Fir was not sustainable, hence replace with Siberian Fir. Siberian Fir provides the same benefits as White Fir but with a higher potency and smells very similar. I love the smell and will often diffuse with Citrus Oils.
Past Tense - Past Tense is my go to for 'Severe Head Tension'. I roll it onto my neck, behind my ears and long the tops of my shoulders. I am amazed at the results and highly recommend it! Just an FYI, the roller bottle is not in the touch range, so not pre-diluted. The only down side is that it has an extremely strong aroma. I was at the kids swimming lessons last week and a child a few seats down asked their Mother what the funny smell was. The Mother replied with 'I'm not to sure but it smells like the cream I rub on your Fathers back'...that smell was me...
Lavender Touch - This was the Product of the Month (POM) this month (free to all Loyalty Rewards Program orders placed before the 15th of the month that are over 125pv). I was excited to get this oil as we use a lot of lavender and I don't have any rollers in the Touch range. The Touch range is pre-diluted and safe for use on kids.